Soggy Dollar Bar located on White Bay, Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands is where the Painkiller cocktail originated in the 1970's. Anchored just off the beach, you'll have to swim to the bar - but go easy on the Painkillers as you'll also have to swim back to shore! This smooth, full flavored rum cocktail has become the essence of Caribbean imbibing. We wanted to share with you recipe for this unique and flavorsome cocktail so that you can have a little flavour of the British Virgin Island's at home. As well as being the home to the Painkiller Coaktail the Soggy Dollar Bar is also home to the legendary Soggy Dollar Ring Game - the aim of the game, get the ring on the hook with the sun setting behind you and gentle lapping waves - the prize... a painkiller of course.
Pusser's Painkiller Cocktail Recipe
- 2oz. Pusser's rum
- 4 oz. Pineapple juice
- Orange juice
- Cream of coconut
- Grated Grenadian nutmeg
- Pineapple wedge
Serve ice cold, preferably on the beach.
If you want to try a painkiller on the white sands of the British Virgin Islands please contact us on 01431 9700.