Founded by Rebecca and Scott Rothney, the website provides travellers with details of community projects in locations across the globe and highlights exactly what items they require. These range from pencils and toys to basic medical supplies and even deflated footballs! Travellers are asked to pack 5 lbs (2.27 kgs) of supplies in their luggage, utilising their allowance that may otherwise be wasted. Supplies can then be dropped off at your hotel with the knowledge that they will be delivered directly to the project.
In the two and a half years since being set up, Pack for a Purpose has expanded to support hundreds of community-based projects in over 40 countries. Travellers using the site have taken over 11,000 lbs (5,000 kgs) of needed supplies around the world.
A number of our hotels are already listed on the site, with more expected in the near future. You can either drop off your package at a participating hotel, or we can arrange for our local representatives to deliver it for you - call us on 014319700 for details.
Read more about how you can Pack For A Purpose, including what to pack and how to pack it...